Ammonite stars Kate Winslet who plays a paleontologist named Mary Anning from the 19th century. It’s a true story and as she made a name for herself, she didn’t get recognized because she lived in a man’s world and the women didn’t get recognized no matter how good they were. Mary Anning meets geologist Roderick Murchison played by James McArdle who wants to learn what she knows and how she does what she does. He pays to get knowledge from her. In the process he has to leave out of town and asks Mary if she would watch and take care of his wife Charlotte Murchison who is sick, played by Saoirse Ronan, and he would pay her. Mary and Charlotte become romantically involved which shows you she had a gay lifestyle. They don’t leave anything to the imagination with very erotic scenes between the two characters. I guess they felt this was important to portray even though I feel that as good as she did in her craft, which should have been portrayed more then what they show you, she did not get credit for it. I thought the movie was pretty well done. The acting was phenomenal. You definitely get a good understanding of what the main character’s life was about. I give it three stars and say it was definitely really good acting and really good storyline. I definitely say you’ll enjoy it. 2 hours running time.