Block Party stars John Amos and Margaret Avery. The movie centers around Keke McQueen played by Antionette Robertson who is eager to pursue the next stage of her life wanting to leave her beloved Hometown for a lucrative career in Atlanta. She finds out that her grandmother is suffering from dementia and has a historic block party that grandma has her heart set on being at and drags Keke into helping her out. The movie is kind of lame if you want me to be honest with you. It really doesn’t go anywhere or do anything. It just tells you basically what you’re reading but no real thrills in it. It just kind of drags along. I really wasn’t impressed with it. I was hoping it would do good since it’s based on Michigan and Grand Rapids and a small Part in Detroit but I just really wasn’t impressed with it. I would give it one and a half stars. 1 hour and 34 minutes long.