Notorious Nick is a movie about an MMA fighter, Nick Newell played by Cody Christian who stumbles in to this career because of his best friend. Growing up, both of them were wrestlers. Notorious Nick is a one armed man from birth and always had to struggle to get through life. He didn’t do very good at wrestling but his life changed when his friend turned him on to the MMA life (for those that don’t know what that is, MMA fighters fight in a cage until someone taps out or the referee calls them out). Now the storyline here is in regards to notorious Nick but I’ll tell you there’s a lot to this movie and I highly recommend you see it. If you’re the one that likes to see the underdogs succeed, this is your movie. It’s a true story and I have to say I didn’t know anything about the movie going in but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I would give this movie three and a half stars. It has a running time of 88 minutes. A must see movie.