The Way Back stars Ben Affleck and Brandon Wilson. The story is about a high school basketball team that is not doing very good and the coach has got an illness and can’t coach so they go to Ben Affleck’s character Jack Cunningham (who was an All Star Basketball player for the team a few years before) to coach the team and of course Jack Cunningham AKA Ben Affleck has a drinking problem and he has to fight his demons as he tries to coach the team and deal with his own life problems as well. It tells a great story. You get a lot of dialogue and some good acting in here with Ben Affleck and the other characters. It does drag a little at times but you know that they’re trying to tell the story about the basketball player’s problems and Jack Cunningham’s problems as it seems both are trying to save each other. I did like the movie. I give it two and a half stars. The movie running time is an hour and 48 minutes.