Gold stars Zac Efron and Anthony Hayes. This is your movie about two guys in the not-so-distant future. They stumble upon a giant gold nugget and as they are trying to find a way to get it they encounter problems. One of them has to stay with the gold and one of them has to get the equipment to extract the gold to be able to take it back with them. The one waiting at the site of the gold find, has to wait a long while for the other person to come back and this takes place in a desert terrain. Of course you have got all kinds of weather and animals to deal with as you’re waiting. The movie really drags. I wasn’t impressed with it. I get what they’re trying to put across and I think they could have done a much better job of portraying the battles with the environment as well as the other things that Zac Efron’s character runs into. I give it one and a half two stars at best. It’s 97 minutes long.