Cyrano stars Peter Dinklage, Haley Bennett and Kelvin Harrison Jr. This movie is written and directed by Joe Wright. He gives you a phenomenal movie. It is a little bit of the musical and romance. Very well done. It is a timeless story telling of a heartbreaking love triangle. There is a man ahead of his time played by Peter Dinklage who does dazzle you with his charisma and his verbal word play as well as his brilliant story telling. He loves Roxanne’s character played by Haley Bennett who herself falls in love at first sight with Christian played by Kelvin Harrison Jr who does a really good job in the movie as well. I highly recommend if you’re into these type of movies which takes place back in the 15th century. Great story behind it. Great acting. Very very well done movie. I’m not much one for the romance movies but if you are, this one was done right. It was very enjoyable. I give it three and a half stars. The movie is 2 hours and 3 minutes long. I went into this not expecting a whole lot but Peter Dinklage really does a phenomenal job in this movie. Definitely one of his best ever. I highly recommend you see it for his performance as well as Haley Bennett’s performance as well.