Son of the South is a movie based on a true story of a man in the 60s who was graduating high school and a white couple wanted to recruit a white young man to try and spread the word of equality through the colleges. When this young man played by Lucas Till was doing his High School thesis, he wanted to do a story about the struggles of how the black lives he had seen. He wanted to hear from a preacher at a local church and also Rosa Parks he had seen and had admired what she did and how she was standing up for her rights on the bus. This is a civil rights storyline they were trying to get him involved in and yes he had an interest in it and this cause but he he had bigger ideas in going to college and making a life for himself. As they tried to recruit him, his girlfriend played by Lucy Hale didn’t want him to have anything to do with this cause she wanted him to go to College. Again this is a true story and very well told. Very well done movie. Really good acting. I highly recommend it. I give it three stars. Running time is 1 hour and 45 minutes.