The Youngest Evangelist is a true story about a young African-American boy growing up in the 1980s. His mother experiences the joy of salvation and upon seeing this he wants to follow this path as well. It is an answer to his call for evangelism. The story has a very deep meaning. It does have a great story to tell, it just gets lost with the poor acting. I’m sure it’s because these were normal people first time acting as well as a very low budget and the way it was filmed. But there is a great story here and obviously John King found his calling and the way in which it happens and what you see he went through. It does have a great story and in itself is worth watching for the story it tells but it’s really hard when you’re not into the movie because of the low budget that they were using to make the movie. It’s really sad that Hollywood didn’t pick this up. It could have actually been a really good movie if it was done right. I give it 2 stars for the concept of the movie itself. It’s 2 hours and 13 minutes long.